Briouates ENG

Moroccan Briouate : A famous Moroccan sweet 

How to prepare Briouate?

Moroccan Briouate
Moroccan Briouate

              The Moroccan Briouate, a dish that is mainly served on   special occasions such as Ramadan  or Eid  Al Adha and  occasionally in family gatherings or even during professional events . They are successful , our  briouates !  

               Known by  their  richness  in terms of taste , there are two main varieties : sweet briouate  which are served as a cake to accompany tea or other drinks and there is also the salty briouate which we are going to talk about in today’s article .  

             Preparing good delicious and healthy briwates  is one of our specialties . Welcome to GATO Marrakech where you can taste and have the best briouats .

We propose a variety of salty  briwates accompanied by msemen as a full breakfast formula .

         A wide selection of briouates is available to satisfy all tastes ;   Briouate with chicken and almonds , briouate with fish or simply briouate with vegetales , egg and many other flavors are all available at GATO restaurant in

Gueliz , Marrakech .

         Now let\’s move on to the practical part , the part  you were waiting for the most 😉 .

The essential ingredients that we need to make briwates is pastilla leafs .

For the Ingredients you will need :

  • 125 g of flour .
  • 1 cup of glass filled with water .
  • 2 pinches of Salt .

Let’s move now to the preparation :

1- Whisk flour , salt and water in an electric beater to obtain a homogeneous liquid paste without granules .

2- Place a non – stick pan on a pot of boiling water .

3- Using a brush , spread the dough and brush it on the mold twice so that the bottom of the mold is completely covered to form a sheet of pasta .

 4- Leave the sheet leather  for a few seconds .

When the sides of the leaf are sufficiently  cooked , remove it gently from the pan and  then  keep it away from the air .

The pastilla leaf is used according to the recipe you want to prepare .

Briouate with minced meat :

Moroccan Briouate with Minced Meat
Moroccan Briouate with Minced Meat

Here are the ingredients :

  • 10 sheets of Pastilla.
  • 1 egg white .
  • Oil for frying .

       Briwates filling:

  • 350 g of minced meat .
  • 1 clove of garlic .
  • 1 chopped pungent green pepper .
  • 1/2 spoons coffee of salt .
  • 1/2 spoons coffee of black pepper .
  • 4 branches of thyme .
  • 20 g of cheddar cheese .

For the preparation :

1- Place your pan on a low heat , add the  minced meat and season it with a little chilly , garlic , pinch of salt and a small spoon of butter . Leave all this leather for about 5 minutes .

2 – Then lay down your stuffing and leave it while it cools down and then mix there with cheddar cheese .

 3- Cut the pastilla sheet into equal sections .

4- Put  a little trim on the edge of each strip .

5 – Each strip is wound once on the right and once on the left until a triangle is obtained , as shown in the photo

above .

6 -After wrapping the leaf , we need to glue the edges using the egg white and then cook it in a pan filled with preheated oil , until we obtain a golden color .

7-Place a kitchen paper to remove excess oil and voila ! Your  minced meat briwates  are ready to be served .


Ingredients :

  • 2 kg of honey.
  • 1/2 kg of ground sugar .
  • Frying oil .
  • 1 spoons coffee  of ground cinnamon .
  • 1 kg of  almond.
  • 1/2 glass of orange blossom water .
  • 200 g of butter .
  • 2 spoons coffee of flour dissolved in a glass of water .
  • 1 kg of pastilla leaf .

Preparation :

1- Peel the almonds , wash them and dry them with absorbent paper, mix them well with flower water and sugar and grind them .

2- Add the butter and ground cinnamon to the previous mixture and mix well until the mixture becomes homogeneous .

3- Grind the mixture again on the meat grinder and repeat this action

Twice .

4- Then knead the mixture well and form small balls of equal size .

5- Cut the petiole paper into rectangles . They must be medium sized .

6- Mix two tablespoons of flour with half a cup of water in a bowl until you get a paste of liquid consistency .

7-  after that , put a small almond ball on the edge of the rectangle  , flatten it a little and fold it on itself to get a triangular shape ( for a  DYI , take a look at the photo at the top) .

8- Fix the last edge of briwates , dipping a feather in water and flour and spread it on them .

9- When you have  finished preparing and folding all the  briwates  , make them  leather in hot oil .

Then after placing your briwates  on absorbent paper , sink  them in honey . Do it while they are still hot .

And finally , BSEHA , your briwates  are  ready , you can now taste them .

They taste great with mint tea.

        Moroccan cuisine is very varied , rich in flavors and delights . So as you see , the recipes are easy to reproduce . By changing one or two  ingredients you can create a whole  new different and wonderful  dish !  

Sweet or salty , how do you like your briwates ?  Share with us what you made using  a  hachtag , and we will repost it !